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Indonesia e-Payroll FAQ

Find the answer to frequently asked questions on e-payroll in Indonesia.

Will I need to include the previous payroll data if I joined in the middle of the year?

Yes, past payroll data must be included in the system in order for JuzTalent to accurately calculate the annual tax for the entire year.

Can JuzTalent automate salary disbursement?

Once the payroll processing is finished, JuzTalent will generate a bank file that can be downloaded from the system.

  This bank file can then be uploaded to the bank portal to initiate giro disbursement of salaries to employees.

If employees choose not contribute to BPJS, will JuzTalent still include it in the payroll calculation?

JuzTalent allows HR managers to adjust the settings to exclude the BPJS contribution for employees who do not participate in it.

  Therefore, if certain employees do not contribute to BPJS, JuzTalent will not include BPJS in the calculation of their payroll.