Get the answer to frequently asked questions from Indonesia AGP users.
1. When will employees receive their salary?
Employees may refer to the pay date details on their contract document. Should the pay date falls on a public holiday, the employee shall receive the payment on the previous business day.
2. Will employees receive THR in full?
Under 12 months of service, THR will be calculated on a pro-rata basis according to the number of months the employee has worked. If the employee has previously worked with their employer under different arrangement or different employer of record, let AYP know so that we can discuss the matter further.
3. Are employees' allowances taxable?
Yes, employee allowances are subject to tax.
4. Will employees get BPJS contribution?
Yes, employees will get their BPJS Kesehatan and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan contribution.
5. How do employees view their payslip?
Unless the employer shares the payslip to employees directly, employees may share their payslips through the JuzTalent portal.
Employees should contact AYP id they have not receive the credentials to access JuzTalent.