Philippines Hiring Guide

What are the statutory contributions for employees and employers in the Philippines?

Employee Income Tax
The tax system in the Philippines applies a progressive tax structure, with rates as follows:

Taxable Income

Tax Rate

< PHP 250,000


PHP 250,000 - PHP 400,000

15% of the excess over PHP 250,000

PHP 400,000 - PHP 800,000

PHP 22,500 + 20% of the excess over PHP 400,000

PHP 800,000 - PHP 2,000,000

PHP 102,500 + 25% of the excess over PHP 800,000

PHP 2,000,000 - PHP 8,000,000

PHP 402,500 + 30% of the excess over PHP 2,000,000

Above PHP 8,000,000

PHP 2,202,500 + 30% of the excess over PHP 8,000,000

 Employer Payroll Contributions

Employers are required to contribute to their employees' social insurance accounts, including the Social Security System (SSS), Home Development Mutual Fund (HMDF), Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (Philhealth or PHIC), and Provident Fund. The contribution rates vary, but the total generally ranges up to 11.75%.

  • HDMF contribution is a fixed contribution that amounts to PHP 200.00 divided and paid equally by both the employee and the employer.
  • Refer to this table to determine your SSS contribution.

  • Refer to this table to determine your PHIC contribution in 2023.

    Monthly Basic Salary Premium Rate Monthly Premium
    PHP 10,000.00
    PHP 450
    PHP 10,000.01 to PHP 89.999,99 PHP 450.00 to PHP 4.050,00
    PHP 90.000,00 PHP4.050,00

    Visit this PHIC page to consult your Philhealth contribution in 2024-2025.

  • Philippine's provident fund, Workers’ Investment and Savings Program (WISP), requires a monthly contribution of PHP 425.

Employee Payroll Contributions

Employees are required to contribute to their own social insurance accounts, including the Social Security System, Home Development Mutual Fund, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, and Provident Fund.

Philippine's provident fund, Workers’ Investment and Savings Program (WISP), requires a monthly contribution of PHP 225 from employees.
The contribution rates vary, but the total generally ranges up to 8%.

What is the minimum wage in the Philippines?

The Philippines sets a rate of minimum wage which applies to employees working in their respective regions:

Region Minimum Wage Rate (PHP)
NCR 533.00 - 570.00
CAR 400.00
Region I 372.00 - 400.00
Region II 375.00 -400.00
Region III 344.00 - 460.00
Region IV-A 350.00 - 470.00
Region IV-B 329.00 - 355.00
Region V 365.00
Region VI 410.00 - 450.00
Region VII 382.00 - 435.00
Region VIII 345.00 - 375.00
Region IX 338.00 - 351.00
Region X 378.00 - 405.00
Region XI 438.00 - 443.00
Region XII 347.00-368.00
Region XIII 350.00
BARMM 306.00 - 341.00

What is the payroll cycle in the Philippines?

The standard payroll cycle in the Philippines is monthly or bi-monthly, with pay dates falling on the last day of the month.

It is also compulsory for employers to pay a 13th month salary equivalent to one month’s pay before December 24th.

How long is the working hours in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, a standard work day consists of 8 hours and 1 hour of break. If employees are required to work outside of these hours, they are entitled to overtime pay with a rate set at 125% of their regular pay.

How many leaves are employees entitled to?

  • Standard paid time off — employees in the Philippines are entitled to at least 5 days of paid annual leave after the completion of a year of service, which can be turned into leave encashment.

  • Compulsory annual public holidays — there are 12 national regular holidays, 6 national special non-working holidays, and 3 special working holidays in the Philippines.

  • Minimum paid sick leave — employees in the Philippines are entitled to sick leaves, which falls under service incentive leave.

What are the public holidays in the Philippines?

Here is the list of public holidays in the Philippines for 2023:

Date Name
1 Jan New Year's Day
2 Jan New Year's Day Holiday
25 Feb People Power Revolution
6 Apr Maundy Thursday
7 Apr Good Friday
8 Apr Black Saturday
10 Apr The Day of Valor (in lieu)
21 Apr Eid'l Fitr
1 May Labor Day
12 Jun Independence Day
28 Jun Eid'l Adha
21 Aug Ninoy Aquino Day
28 Aug National Heroes' Day
1 Nov All Saints’ Day
2 Nov All Souls’ Day
27 Nov Bonifacio’s Day
8 Dec Immaculate Conception of Mary
25 Dec Christmas Day
30 Dec Rizal Day
31 Dec New Year's Eve


How long is the maternity and paternity leave in the Philippines?

  • Statutory maternity leave — female employees in the Philippines are entitled to up to 105 consecutive days of paid maternity leave and an additional 15 days if they qualify as a single parent. In case of miscarriage or termination of pregnancy, they are entitled to 60 days of leave.

  • Statutory paternity leave — male employees in the Philippines' private sector are entitled to 7 days of paternity leave.

  • Statutory parental leave — employees who qualify for single parent leave are entitled to 7 days of leave.

  • Other leaves:
    Leave For Victims of Violence Against Women and Their Children — women who are victims of violence along their children are entitled to 10 days of leave.

What rights do employees have upon leaving employment due to certain conditions?

Employers can terminate employees for valid reasons such as poor performance or misconduct, but this must be done via providing a legal notice. When an employee's service with a company is terminated for certain reasons, they are entitled to certain rights and benefits, including:

  • Notice period — the minimum notice period for termination is commonly 30 days.

  • Severance pay — employees are entitled to mandatory severance pay, which varies based on the length of service and cause for termination.

  • Probation period — employees generally have six months of probation period.

What is the type of visa for employees in the Philippines?

In order to be granted an employment visa in the Philippines, the applicant must apply through the Bureau of Immigration (BI).

The Philippines offers a variety of work visa, including Special Work Permit (SWP), Provisional Work Permit (PWP), and Alien Employment Permit (AEP).

Standard VAT Rate

The standard VAT rate in the Philippines is 12%.

Is there a maximum length of contract for employees?

There is no specific maximum length of time for employees to be employed on a contract basis in the Philippines. The length of a contract can varies according to the agreement between the employer and the employee.

What is the retirement age in the Philippines?

Under the Retirement Pay Law, the early retirement age for employees is set at 60 years old. The standard retirement age is 65 years old.