Indonesian BPJS System

Learn more about the Indonesian social security contributions in this article.

What is BPJS?

BPJS (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial) is an Indonesian social security agency which demands statutory contribution from all Indonesian employees. There are two different BPJS services:

  • BPJS Kesehatan (Statutory Health Insurance) for healthcare,

  • BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Statutory Social Security) for accidents/pensions coverage.

You can download the BPJS breakdown here.

Are foreign workers eligible for BPJS TK and BPJS KS?

Yes, foreign workers are eligible for both with the exception of Jaminan Pensiun (Pension Protection) from the BPJS TK.

Can employees include their family members under the BPJS KS coverage?

Yes, they can. There will be no additional cost nor further deduction from the employee’s salary.

As a BPJS member, employees are allowed to register themselves and members of their families, including a spouse and up to three children. However, children above 21 years old are no longer eligible for coverage under the same BPJS KS.